Je ne suis pas un Robot
Most of my friends know I am a big GoPro fan - mainly for how HD quality you get from just a small camera - and often times I'll show them a quick video I put together. This, however, puts my best footage into one compiled video. The footage comes from rafting, body boarding, paintball, and others too as well.
Hope you enjoy!
Color Corrected on Cineform Studio by GoPro
Edited on WIndows Live Movie Maker by Microsoft
Song used - Fortune Days by The Glitch Mob
Purchase Fortune Days by the Glitch Mob and visit their online profiles here:
theglitchmob.com/ | facebook.com/theglitchmobmusic
twitter.com/#!/theglitchmob | youtube.com/glitchmob
soundcloud.com/theglitchmob |open.spotify.com/user/theglitchmob