Je ne suis pas un Robot
Music: "I Want You", by Tamara Laurel
This video was recorded with my Canon 550D (18-50mm and 50mm lenses), an iPhone 4 and a HTC One X (Android) phone. I edited the videos with iMovie 11 (Mac). I am quite happy with the results, although I think the slow motion iMovie produces is quite lame. The three devices have a more than decent FPS rate, but the slow motion looks kinda jumpy.
The video was recorded in Spain (Valencia, Barcelona and Menorca) and Venezuela (Caracas). If you been to Valencia, you will recognize the Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias (City of Arts and Science).
The underwater clip was recorded by me inside of a catamaran, it was not underwater equipment (I wish!).
Finally, I used the track "I Want You", by Tamara Laurel. I found it on jamendo.com and I loved it! If you're Tamara and you happen to be reading this, I hope you like the video. Your music inspired it!