Je ne suis pas un Robot
A great city - great people - amazing culture - and I can't wait to go back.
I'm always looking for a new challenge - so after seeing the Watchtower of Turkey and The Watchtower of Morocco by Leonardo Delessandri I wanted to challenge myself to produce something influenced by those pieces. It's completely not my usual style of editing - and all the time I was filming - it felt like I was breaking every rule I'd ever known. But once I'd started I'd pretty much committed myself to continuing.
Just to make things a little more difficult for myself - I'd deliberately not brought any of my camera gear with me as I wanted to see what could be achieved with just the iPhone 6 Plus. I have to say - there's a surprising amount of freedom when you leave the main camera at home. You don't have to worry about bringing a bag full of lenses or tripods or anything like that and because you can carry it round in your hand all day - it is instantly there ready to hit record.
The final edit was done all in Final Cut Pro X. Colour Grade was was done using James Miller's DeLuts and Cineflare Lens Whack alongside the main colour tools in FCPX.
NB. Now if you've not seen Leonardo's Watchtower films then you really should take a look at those. While this was a fun project - I really didn't have a lot of time to do it and it was more of an experiment on my part. His work is pretty masterful.