Je ne suis pas un Robot
Classical chess has sixteen pieces (six different types).
1. King - moves from his field to one of the free adjacent fields, which is not under attack by the opponent's pieces.
2. Queen (queen) - can move to any number of free squares in any direction in a straight line, combining the capabilities of a rook and a bishop.
3. Rook - can move any number of squares horizontally or vertically, provided that there are no pieces in its path.
4. Bishop - can move to any number of squares diagonally, provided that there are no pieces on its way.
5. Knight - moves two squares vertically and then one square horizontally, or vice versa, two squares horizontally and one square vertically.
6. Pawn - moves forward one space only, except for capture.
The ultimate goal of each player is to checkmate their opponent. This means that the opponent's king gets into a situation in which a capture is inevitable.