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Gardening with Pop

Joué 50,363 fois

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Détails concernant le jeu

Pop's Garden is all this and so much more fun to play, plant, and dress up. Renovate the garden and solve challenging puzzles with this new relaxing. We all know, farming is really interesting, and hard to plant the seeds and grow them and collect food. In this game, you can experience all these tasks really funny and interesting. Our cute little girl's pop wants some help in his garden. In this game, there are different tasks like building the fence, plowing, planting the seeds, and water them to grow them, later if it grows fruits and veggies we have to protect them from red insects and collect the food and later let us have a dress-up session. Play this fun game only on y8.com

Catégorie: Jeux d'Adresse
Ajouté le 30 Nov 2020
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