Unknown World an independent, black and white science fiction film from 1951 directed by Terry Morse and starring Victor Killian, Marilyn Nash,Jim Bannon and Otto Waldis. It was produced by Jack Rabin and Irving Block and released by Robert L. Lippert, the same trio involved in 1957's Regalscope production, Kronos. Terry Morse was the B movie director who completed the Americanized Gorija as Godzilla, King of the Monsters.Victor Killian, who plays the leading character of Dr. Jeremiah Morley, is not billed because he was among the numerous actors blacklisted by HUAC for his political beliefs. He later gained fame as the "Fernwwod Flasher" on TV's Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman. In 1987, he was found bludgeoned to death in his Hollywood apartment where he lived alone.
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